The Unicorn
The Unicorn
So we got shortlisted for a Webby Award. Cool right? Not quite.
Because of Covid-19, the big award show with guests like Tom Hanks and Michelle Obama got cancelled and everything was hosted online. But when the link to the live-feed came out, Webby made a typo:
Instead of www.WebbysFromHome.com, they wrote www.WebbysFomHome.com.
That’s right, no “r”.
Bad for them Good for us. Within 5 minutes we bought WebbysFomHome.com and redirected it to our site. So every time one of the big advertisers, clients or A-list celebs clicked the link in their inbox, they went straight to our site.
That night we did win a Webby, but we also won an increased visit to theunicorn.dk of +1000 %.
CCA 2021