Skau Reipurth Advokatpartnerselskab
In just ten years, Skau Reipurth has gained a position as one of Denmark’s most recognised law firms, providing commercial clients with top-of-class legal advice and specialist expertise. Marking the beginning of a new era for the firm, Skau Reipurth initiated a full rebranding to align the brand with the firm’s self-understanding, position in the market, and strong company culture.
The result comprises full redesign of the visual identity, elevating the company name into a brand name, introduction of a company motto, and a new digital platform. Guiding principles of clarity, precision, and sharpness of expression permeate the identity and are carried through in all levels of design — from logotype and typography to the use of colour, and website functionality. The company motto – Semper Acuti — meaning ‘always sharp’ in Latin, encapsulates the brand values as well as the modus operandi of the firm.
CCA 2023