IKEA and SPACE10 were curious about how advanced technology might influence our future life at home. Showcasing experiments from some of the world’s most progressive designers and technologists, we helped them launch Everyday Experiments, a platform designed to inspire and spark conversations across the global design community.
To be able to design for the future you need to imagine it. While it might take a long time before IKEA implements the most edgy technology into their everyday projects, it’s important for them to constantly look far into the future to be ready for what’s next. Partnering with their innovation lab SPACE10, they wanted to create a platform to push the conversation around how tomorrow’s technology can redefine life at home.
Rather than launch a platform to talk about IKEA’s own agenda and plans, they wanted to create an open stage for innovators to showcase their imagination and creativity. A type of distributed innovation framework that could benefit not only IKEA, but also anyone else working with emerging technologies.
We worked with IKEA and SPACE10 to design the identity and website to house the Everyday Experiments. Merging the identity of both brands, we designed a platform that was true to the nature of the project: visually tickling and but also exploratory, making it easy for other designers and developers to gain insight into the creative process or give feedback at an early stage.
Vinder 2021
CCA 2021