According to World Economic Forum, 40% of the global workforce consider quitting their job.
And one of the most searched job titles in 2021 was 'content creator'.
In the middle of the great recession where people dream of flexible hours, work-from-anywhere, and being their own boss, Canon posted a pretty sweet deal: get the newest camera and pay with your resignation letter.
Canon also created a series of branded content, where an experienced content creator and influencer, Joey Palmroos, helped the new creators with figuring out what to charge for their content, how to work their new equipment, how to build a portfolio, and everything else they need to know to call themselves professional content creators.
That same content creator had private sessions with each of his mentees.
And not to leave the brand new content creators hanging, Canon put them on their payroll.
Creating a campaign that could help people turn their hobby into a career by quitting what's holding them back, and letting them pay for a camera with their resignation letter.
Vinder 2022
CCA 2022