Challenge -
The Carlsberg group of breweries is faced with a diminishing market for standard beer types while the craft beer segment continues to outperform them. Part of an effort to appeal to local craft consumers and penetrate new markets, Carlsberg needed a concept that met the growing curiosity with specialty beers. It was elemental that the design gives a hint of the craftsmanship and authenticity proven so successful for smaller players, while still appealing to the non-expert drinker. How could Carlsberg credibly tap into these styles, and guide new customers into drinking new beers at new occasions?
Solution -
A brand and storytelling that embraces authenticity and leverages the impressive heritage of the Carlsberg brand was developed. Wholly entitled to a status as high-quality local craft, the design of the Brewmasters’ Collection embodies that authority. It’s Original by Tradition as Carlsberg has always developed original beer variants in close cooperation between brewmasters. This collaboration has now reached fruition in a Board of Brewers, whose stories are used in packaging and POS material. Brand films, merchandise and launch events were all part of solving the brief – which has helped make the Brewmasters’ Collection the first original beer concept from the Carlsberg innovation department to actually hit the stores in recent years. An IPA, a California steam beer, and an Irish Red Ale make up the core range, in an elegant and systematic design that highlights the beer type and the local brewery. The asymmetrical can design is given a 360-degree application to make the beer recognizable from all angles and maximize shelf impact.
CCA 2015