In 1912 news flashed around the world of the miraculous survival story of two Danish Polar explorers Ejnar Mikkelsen and Iver Iversen. 100 Years later Netflix premiers Against the Ice a – historical drama that retells their epic story
The idea was to reuse the original news coverage from 100 years ago. To bring the idea to life we employed a coordinated cross media event that took Copenhagen back in time. Politiken reprinted their original front page story from 1912. Copenhagen's original news-stands were brought back to life and paperboys returned to take the news to the streets. To support the breaking news elements, panoramic story telling walls were created at high trafficked metro stations, digital takeover banners and period correct radio news flashes were broadcast from leading radio stations.
The story was picked up by major news media outlets… and spread in social media. Swept up in the moment Against the Ice reached No1 in less than 12 hours - unheard of for a historical drama.
CCA 2023