DR Ramasjang
Dwarf A/S
What can be learned from a 4-year-old? More than you'd think, the short answer is. DR Ramasjang is aimed at children between 4 and 8 years old, and that target group requires a different user experience than those Dwarf otherwise works with. The experience must be exploratory, and navigation must be intuitive and function without (too much) text and "heavy adult logic".
Dwarf has devised and developed a new concept for the front page of the app that embraces three overarching purposes: greater scalability so that the content is not beaten on the front, less time from idea to release and retaining the changing entrance to the universe. The island has gained a vertical dimension, where children can explore the island, under the sea, on the seabed and deeper.
Dwarf has collaborated with Benny Box who designed the new illustration and animation style together with DR design.
CCA 2021