Radio24seven is a publicly financed danish talk radio station. It’s mission is to foster debate, democracy and knowledge across Denmark.
We were asked to create a smartphone app that beyond hosting their live shows and podcast library, would be as open and accessible as the content.
So how do you create a radio app that can be accessed by not just the digitally savvy user, but also the elderly and vision impaired?
We designed the app ground up to focus on friendly typography, obvious navigation and independence from imagery. The content was semantically described and structured to be interpreted by the smartphones native voice navigation functionality.
That means the Radio24seven can be navigated by even fully blind users.
“Radio24syv has proudly launched a new app for its 500,000 weekly listeners. The solution beats in our opinion everything available on the market today. Based on a strong graphic design Molamil managed to create a solution that is both intuitive and informative. Technically it’s just ingenious. Besides live listening it also provides access to over 70,000 podcasts. Two months after launch it’s used by more than 160,000 people."
– Martin Montag, CEO
CCA 2016